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而以下申请截止日期是首选, 我们以滚动方式审查转学申请. After the deadline, financial aid is still available for those who still wish to apply. 



  • 应用程序:你可以在Marist应用程式(在线 or 打印) or 常见的应用程序.
  • 高中毕业成绩单
  • 大学成绩单和目前的课程安排
  • 一封推荐信
  • 个人论文
  • 补充材料服装设计和工作室艺术必修课
  • SAT或ACT分数:  玛丽斯特是一个 test-optional 学校,但你仍然可以提交你的分数供考虑
  • $50申请费或免申请费​​​
  • 成绩单 & supplemental materials can be submitted to our office electronically at admission@mediagate-egy.net 或邮寄至以下地址:
    • 圣母学院,注意:
      Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

      *请注意, 为了让成绩单正式生效, they need to be submitted directly from the high school or College to bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

  • Official transfer credit evaluations are completed for all accepted students who submit official college transcripts for review.  Accepted students will receive an official transfer evaluation for the program to which they apply. 评估完成后将通过电子邮件发送给学生, 通常在学生被录取后7-10个工作日.
  • Marist will evaluate transfer credits for prospective students planning to take courses at another college before enrolling at Marist. If you are interested in a tentative credit evaluation, please use the 转移学分路线图工具.
  • The evaluation will specify how many credits are transferable towards the baccalaureate degree at Marist, how many credits may be accepted but not applied towards the baccalaureate degree, and the remaining courses necessary to fulfill Marist degree requirements.
  • Any questions pertaining to the evaluation should be directed to the 本科招生办公室.


  1. 这些课程必须在认可的学院或大学学习.
  2. Marist will review the course level and material to determine if it is viable for transfer. The course(s) must be similar in scope and content to courses offered at Marist.
  3. Only courses in which a C or better has been obtained may be transferred to meet major, 相关领域, 核心要求. Credit for C- grades may be awarded on the elective credit category only.
  4. Marist will accept P grades for transferable credit for P grades earned during the student's spring 2020 semester. 
  5. 转移 courses applicable to a student's academic program will be accepted from accredited colleges and universities that meet bet亚洲365欢迎投注's transferability standards. (Check with the Office of the 注册商 for a complete list of acceptable accrediting agencies.)
  6. The awarding of a baccalaureate degree is dependent on meeting the specific requirements for that degree. 因此, 也许是可能的, 在特殊情况下, for a student to have completed 120 or more credits and not be eligible to be awarded a degree.
  7. Grades for courses taken at other institutions are not included in the computation of the student's grade-point average at Marist.



转移s from two-year colleges must complete at least 50 credits hours at Marist. 转移s from four-year colleges must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at Marist. Up to 70 credits may be accepted from a community college or accredited two-year institution, although fulfilling requirements toward a student's degree is dependent on meeting all specific program requirements for that degree. All transfer students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of upper-level credits in the major field. 转移 students may only have a maximum of 6 transfer credits applied toward the completion of a minor, 独立的浓度, 或证书.  (In cases of math or science minors transfer of up to 8 credits may be applied if the transfer course is approved 4-credit courses).

Once a student's file is complete, we will review as an 入学 Committee. We will notify students of their admission decision via email and mail.

The admission committee takes multiple aspects into consideration during the application review process, 包括你的学术准备和表现, 课外活动和领导成就, 建议, 和论文. 请注意:欢迎您提交考试成绩, 玛丽斯特是一所免考试学校, 因此不需要SAT/ACT成绩. This helps us put emphasis on your merit and who you are as a person, rather than relying on scores

We understand that transfer students often take different paths prior to coming to Marist. The Committee is sensitive to the many challenges that some of our transfer students face.



If the admission application fee poses a financial hardship on your family, 学校会免除的. We accept the College Board Fee Waiver form (available from and completed by your transfer counselor) or a letter written on your behalf on official stationery from someone at your college who can attest to your inability to pay this fee.

你的大学课程可能会被考虑, 如果合适的话, 获得转学分到圣母学院. 这些课程必须在认可的学院或大学学习, 学生必须在这门课程中获得C或更高的成绩. Marist will review the course level and material to determine if it is viable for transfer.  转移s from two-year colleges must complete at least 50 credits hours at Marist. 转移s from four-year colleges must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at Marist. Up to 70 credits may be accepted from a community college or accredited two-year institution, although fulfilling requirements toward a student's degree is dependent on meeting all specific program requirements for that degree. All transfer students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of upper-level credits in the major field. A maximum of eight transfer credits can be accepted towards a minor, concentration, 或证书.

Many students can accelerate their college program by earning advanced standing through AP and IB credit in high school. Please view the lists below of what is required on the exam(s) and how many credits the student will receive. All official test results should be submitted through College Board and sent directly to the 注册商 Office.




奖学金 & 金融援助

学生们经常担心他们负担不起私人教育, but we put our resources to work to make a Marist education possible for all qualified students. 参观圣母的 学生财务服务 查看当前转校生的学费.

是的! Approximately 90 percent of Marist students receive some form of financial assistance, 包括奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款和工作机会.

是的! 除了联邦政府, 状态, 以及机构资助, 申请者可获得最高25美元的奖金,1万美元的优秀奖学金. 当你申请玛丽斯特大学时, you are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships; there is no additional application.

Many different need- and merit-based scholarship programs are available to transfer students. 请浏览我们的 转学生奖学金 页面以了解更多信息并查看整个机会列表.

您需要完成 免费申请联邦学生资助 申请经济资助.


The admission committee takes multiple aspects into consideration during the application review process, 包括你的学术准备和表现, 课外活动和领导成就, 建议, 文章, 标准化考试成绩(Marist现在是可选的), 以及对马克思主义的兴趣.

We understand that transfer students often take different paths prior to coming to Marist. The Committee is sensitive to the many challenges that some of our transfer students face.


If the admission application fee poses a financial hardship on your family, 学校会免除的. We accept the College Board Fee Waiver form (available from and completed by your transfer counselor) or a letter written on your behalf on official stationery from someone at your college who can attest to your inability to pay this fee.


你的大学课程可能会被考虑, 如果合适的话, 获得转学分到圣母学院. 这些课程必须在认可的学院或大学学习, 学生必须在这门课程中获得C或更高的成绩. Marist will review the course level and material to determine if it is viable for transfer.  转移s from two-year colleges must complete at least 50 credits hours at Marist. 转移s from four-year colleges must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours at Marist. Up to 70 credits may be accepted from a community college or accredited two-year institution, although fulfilling requirements toward a student's degree is dependent on meeting all specific program requirements for that degree. All transfer students must complete a minimum of 12 hours of upper-level credits in the major field. A maximum of eight transfer credits can be accepted towards a minor, concentration, 或证书.


Many students can accelerate their college program by earning advanced standing through AP and IB credit in high school. Please view the lists below of what is required on the exam(s) and how many credits the student will receive. All official test results should be submitted through College Board and sent directly to the 注册商 Office.

奖学金 & 金融援助


学生们经常担心他们负担不起私人教育, but we put our resources to work to make a Marist education possible for all qualified students. 参观圣母的 学生财务服务 查看当前转校生的学费.


是的! Approximately 90 percent of Marist students receive some form of financial assistance, 包括奖学金, 奖助金, 贷款和工作机会.


是的! 除了联邦政府, 状态, 以及机构资助, 申请者可获得最高25美元的奖金,1万美元的优秀奖学金. 当你申请玛丽斯特大学时, you are automatically considered for merit-based scholarships; there is no additional application.


Many different need- and merit-based scholarship programs are available to transfer students. 请浏览我们的 转学生奖学金 页面以了解更多信息并查看整个机会列表.


您需要完成 免费申请联邦学生资助 申请经济资助.