



Marist’s business administration degree delivers a broad-based skill set that can be applied in both the private and non-profit sectors. Your coursework will ensure that you’re well-grounded and well-rounded, and ready to start your career as a socially responsible manager and leader.





All business administration students start with core business courses in 市场营销, 人力资源管理, 金融, 运营管理, 组织行为, and law to provide an immensely well-rounded foundation in business. The flexibility of the major stems from the choices in concentration:

Don’t see a concentration that fits your unique career goals? You can work with our experienced and diverse faculty to create a custom concentration better suited to your future career.


在现代商业世界里,经验很重要. Our faculty arrive at Marist with years of professional accolades and come from extensive and diverse backgrounds in non-profit 管理, 人力资源, 创业, 金融, 国际业务, 和更多的. This type of insight and mentorship is absolutely invaluable at all stages of your career. View all 工商管理 faculty >


当你报名参加B.S. 工商管理硕士课程, you will graduate from Marist with the skills you need to secure entry-level placement in businesses, 非营利组织, and governments across the country and the world at large. 事实上, we'll work closely with you to determine the best internships and career experience to ensure your success after graduation. Below is just a glimpse at the career opportunities that await you after completing a 工商管理 degree from Marist.

“Ethical business leadership, to me, means doing right by your work, sticking to your word. 我在bet亚洲365欢迎投注很重视这一点. 他们让我们做好了那样做的准备. 这是我将永远带在身边的东西.”


This annual trip to 纽约 City connects 管理学院 students with employers, 比如花旗银行, 亚马逊, 彭博, 和摩根大通, provides an inside look at operations within these major corporations, and creates a direct link between current students and alumni working in the field.


“在 投资中心, we’ll be learning about research on what to look for and how to analyze a company. 家庭作业, what we’ll be doing is actually using the 彭博 Terminals and learning about the research we did in class and how to implement that into a portfolio.”

通过bet亚洲365欢迎投注,我在迈阿密海豚队实习. It was very nerve-wracking for me and the other interns to present our ideas directly to the stadium executives. 但这是一次很棒的经历.


Dual major 体育交流, 工商管理

Read Nick's Story >

我的教授对我影响很大. 他们一直是我想法的好参谋.


工商管理 Major, 创业 Concentration

Read Dana's Story >

I wanted to find a local school that had a great business administration program, 我从bet亚洲365欢迎投注那里得到的. 也, 校园是如此美丽, I could actually see myself walking the campus and studying in the library while viewing those beautiful sunsets over the Hudson River.


工商管理 major, 人力资源管理 Concentration

Read Brianna's Story >

I’ve always been interested in 金融, and I’m getting great training at Marist. 在一堂课上, we have the task of analyzing Starbucks and developing a strategic plan to make it more competitive. 我的职责是财务分析.


工商管理 Major, 创业 and 金融 Concentrations

Read David's Story >

My professors are so caring, and they want to see students succeed. 他们也有行业经验, which is so helpful because they often share personal stories from their own careers that I can then take and apply to mine. 他们真的很鼓舞人心.


工商管理 Major, 市场营销 Concentration

Read Jade's Story >

One thing that made me stay at Marist was the fact that I knew when I graduated I was going to be successful. 老师们, 工作人员, 教授们提供了一种社区的感觉, 人们一直督促我做得更好. 我不只是一个数字,人们希望我做得好.


时尚的商品 Major, Business, 英语, 剧院 Minor

Read Cameron's Story >

在圣母, we pride ourselves on our dedication to providing our students with a well-rounded liberal arts education that prepares them for practical experience and profound success in their field. But don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves.


Of current students are satisfied with their Marist Experience


Graduation rate, higher than the average for public and private colleges


Employed or attending grad school 6 months after graduation



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