


In keeping with the traditions of great American and European universities, Marist’s gates are an important part of campus and an iconic symbol of the institution.  Celebrating the history of the College and the surrounding Hudson River Valley, 这三个独特的大门提供了从9号公路进入bet亚洲365欢迎投注校区西半部的入口.  During colonial times, Route 9 was known as the Albany Post Road and later the King’s Road; it ran north from New York City to Albany and remains a well-traveled thoroughfare today. 

The College’s campus gates were designed by Kevin M. Smith, a partner in the world-renowned firm of Robert A.M. 斯特恩的建筑师 (RAMSA).  The gates’ design and materials – grey stone, 红砖, and limestone – reflect Marist’s unique architectural palette, which is derived from the Greystone, 基兰门楼, 和圣. 彼得的建筑.  These 150-year-old structures are original to the Bech estate on which Marist is built, and they serve as architectural inspiration for more modern campus buildings.  在一起, Marist的大门沿着9号公路为学院建立了一个存在,并帮助定义了校园不断发展的建筑语言.

史密斯和RAMSA团队创造了一个专门的术语来描述他们为bet亚洲365欢迎投注设计的建筑风格:“哈德逊河谷现代哥特式”,” which pays homage to the region’s tradition of picturesque architecture, beginning in the 19th century, when the Hudson River developed into “America’s Rhine.“从河上看到城堡般的建筑,映衬着该地区令人惊叹的地形,这一想法与哈德逊河画派的绘画美学基础相似, which was active during the same period.  Hudson Valley Modern Gothic represents a cleaner look for the architecture, mostly without pitched roofs, that looks to the future while acknowledging the region’s history, and particularly the architecture of Greystone, with its rubble stone walls trimmed in 红砖.  This feature is common in parts of Europe, especially in eastern France and parts of Germany. 


Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's South Gate

The South Gate is the most elaborate of the College’s three gates, and it serves as the main entrance for most visitors to campus.  This gate is known for the arch through which pedestrians walk, 也因其独特的石雕而闻名:猖獗的狐狸和与哈德逊河谷和bet亚洲365欢迎投注有关的重要历史人物的大奖章.  The South Gate’s various carvings were done by Chris Pellettieri, an artist and stone carver best known for his work at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City.

Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's South Gate


bet亚洲365欢迎投注南门上描绘的狐狸承认狐狸作为智慧的纹章象征的悠久传统.  Heraldry is an intricate system of symbols and insignia (known as “charges”), 是为了识别家族而创造并代代相传的吗.  一种古老的习俗, heraldry came to prominence in Europe in the 12th century, during which time families displayed their emblems on shields, 他们, and tabards worn over chain mail in battle.  Heraldic “coats of arms” became so popular in the Middle Ages that, in 1483, Herald’s College was chartered to begin regulating the practice.  这种纹章传统通过许多高等教育机构的印章得以延续.

Heraldic foxes can be found on several crests, including those of Lord Ilchester, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 还有狐狸, Colfox, and Ashworth families.  Like other four-legged beasts, they are most commonly depicted in the rampant (rearing up) position, 在概要文件, and with forepaws raised.  They symbolize wisdom, specifically cunning, and wise defense.

狐狸作为智慧的象征,在中世纪的纹章学传统中流行了一千多年.  也许最早将狐狸作为智慧象征的文字记载来自希腊抒情诗诗人阿基洛科斯. 公元前680 - 645年.  According to Archilochus, “the fox knows many things, while the hedgehog knows one big thing.”  Cunning foxes can also be found throughout Western literature, including Aesop’s fables, 芬兰神话, and many other sources.  The mascot of Marist’s athletic teams is, 当然, 红狐, a species that is native to the Hudson River Valley.

Image of the Rampant Fox on bet亚洲365欢迎投注南门

Historic Figures Associated with the Hudson River Valley and Marist

南门上的大奖章描绘了不同历史时期的重要人物,他们影响了哈德逊河谷和bet亚洲365欢迎投注的成长和发展.  This region of New York has been designated by Congress as a National 遗产 Area, and Marist is a part of this legacy.  事实上, 学院的哈德逊河谷研究所是哈德逊河谷国家遗产区的学术机构, charged with capturing the area’s rich history and passing it on to future generations.

bet亚洲365欢迎投注南门上的肖像是精心挑选的,代表着与学院和/或它称之为家的历史地区有关的人物.  Following are descriptions of the ten medallions.

Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's South Gate


St. 安

St. 安 was the original name of the Marist Brothers’ property in Poughkeepsie.  In Christian tradition, St. 安 is the mother of the Virgin Mary, to whom the Brothers have a special devotion.  In 1905, 兄弟们从托马斯·麦克弗森手中购买了现在校园的土地和房子, naming the building and property St. 安’s Hermitage in recognition of this tie.



1908年,bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟(Marist Brothers)收购了爱德华·贝克(edward Bech)的地产,扩大了他们原有的资产.  贝克是一位丹麦出生的实业家,他在波基普西创办了塔克曼和贝克钢铁公司.  He was also a partner in the Cunard Steamship Company.  He hired German architect Detlef Lienau to design his estate, but only the carriage house, 谷仓, and gatehouse had been completed when Bech died in 1873.  These three service buildings are today known as Greystone, St. 彼得的, and the 基兰门楼, and were listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1991.  几十年来,格雷斯通一直是圣母学院校长办公室的所在地.


St. Marcellin Champagnat

St. Marcellin Champagnat was a 19th century French priest who founded the Marist Brothers, a Catholic religious order dedicated to educating young people.  His followers eventually spread to the United States and around the world.  1905年,一群兄弟在波基普西的哈德逊河岸边定居,并为未来的圣母兄弟建立了一所神学院.  That training school evolved into present-day bet亚洲365欢迎投注.



弗雷德里克教堂 was an American landscape painter who, along with Thomas 科尔, was a central figure in the Hudson River School, 受浪漫主义影响的19世纪美国艺术运动,是美国第一个可识别的艺术流派.  The Hudson River School painters captured the dramatic beauty of this area’s landscapes, and their images are greatly valued to this day.  圣母的学生, 教师, and staff enjoy the same breathtaking views of the Hudson River that inspired Church, 科尔, 还有其他艺术家.



亨利·哈德逊是一位英国探险家和航海家,他探索了现在以他的名字命名的河流.  Famously called “America’s First River” by journalist Bill Moyers, the Hudson played a central role in America’s development.  1609年9月, Hudson sailed by what is now the Marist campus, 学院密切参与了哈德逊历史性远征四百周年的庆祝活动.  Marist has become closely identified with the Hudson River, and it is committed to protecting its scenic beauty.  事实上, the College is home to a high-tech environmental monitoring station that tracks the river’s health; the station was built at Marist in partnership with the U.S. 地质调查所, the New York State Department of Conservation, and the Cary Institute for Ecosystem Studies.



The last Chief of the Wappinger tribe, 丹尼尔Nimham died fighting for the American side during the Revolutionary War.  这枚奖章是向尼姆和所有哈德逊河流域的土著居民致敬.  事实上, 波基普西这个名字来源于瓦平格语中的一个词,意思是“小水边长满芦苇的小屋”.”


Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt

第32届美国.S. 总统和他的妻子是全球知名人物,他们帮助塑造了20世纪,并在海德公园附近安家.  During his time in the White House, President Roosevelt famously declared, “All that is within me cries out to go back to my home on the Hudson River.”  Today, the Roosevelts’ legacy lives on through the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential 图书馆 and Museum and the Eleanor Roosevelt Center at Val-Kill.  Marist is proud to be affiliated with the Roosevelt Presidential 图书馆, one of only six colleges or universities in the nation to have such an affiliation.



The 19th century abolitionist and women’s rights activist was born in Esopus, Ulster County and spent much of her early life in the Hudson River Valley.  为 the first nine years of her life, she was owned by a Dutch family and spoke only the Dutch language.  After gaining her freedom, 她将继续成为全国反对奴隶制和支持妇女平等权利的主要声音之一.



我们的第一任总统与哈德逊河谷有着独特的联系,因为该地区在美国独立战争中发挥了核心作用.  During the Revolution, General Washington spent about one-third of his time in this area; in fact, his headquarters for the last 16 ½ months of the war was located in Newburgh.  It has been said that the Revolution started in Boston, 在约克镇结束, but was fought in the Hudson River Valley.



约翰·弗拉克·温斯洛(约翰·弗拉克·温斯洛)是19世纪著名的实干家,他资助建造了美国海军监测仪号(USS Monitor), 1862年,它在汉普顿路击败了铁甲舰弗吉尼亚号(前身为梅里马克号),创造了历史, Virginia during the Civil War.  人们普遍认为,是温斯洛说服了亚伯拉罕·林肯总统建造了Monitor.  Winslow’s estate was located on what is now the northern part of the Marist campus.


Marist’s Central Gate and Gatehouse

Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's Central Gate and Gatehouse

The Central Gate and Gatehouse stand at the midpoint of the west campus, providing both a functional and a ceremonial entrance to Marist.  This entrance is not normally open to traffic, with the exception of emergency vehicles, but the gate is opened for certain special occasions such as 毕业典礼.  独特的门楼向历史悠久的贝克庄园小屋致敬,大小相似.  Constructed with the same granite and limestone as the South Gate, as well as a slate roof, this structure is designed to remain an iconic landmark for generations.  The handsome bronze gates are embossed with a script ‘M,,象征着创立学院的bet亚洲365欢迎投注兄弟,也是学院印章的一个元素.  中央大门周围是一个风景优美的广场,衬托着它的美丽. 

Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's Central Gate and Gatehouse Image of detail on bet亚洲365欢迎投注's Central Gate


Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's North Gate

Bracketing the Marist campus is the North Gate, 这是一个地标,定义了bet亚洲365欢迎投注校园的北端,并作为来自北方的游客的入口.  Smaller in scale than its counterparts to the south, it is nonetheless equally striking.  学院的北门使用与其他大门相同的材料,并装饰有相同的石灰石字母组合.  The large ‘M’ on the North Gate is the traditional symbol of the Marist Brothers.  12颗星, which appear about the ‘M,’ are a scriptural symbol of the Virgin Mary, to whom the Marist Brothers are devoted.  The order originated with Marcellin Champagnat in France in 1817.  In recognition of this heritage, a variation of this ‘M’ can also be found on the bet亚洲365欢迎投注 seal.

Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's North Gate

Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's North Gate Image of bet亚洲365欢迎投注's North Gate


特别感谢以下人,他们记录了bet亚洲365欢迎投注标志性校园大门的历史:约翰·安斯利, 导演, Archives and Special Collections; Justin Butwell, 导演 of Physical Plant; Elisabeth Tavarez, Special Assistant to the President; and Thom Wermuth, Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Photo Credit: First South Gate image, 猖獗的狐狸形象, Central Gatehouse and Central Gate images: Peter Aaron/Otto for Robert A.M. 斯特恩的建筑师